The Cartridge Club is an amazing community of gamers, collectors, and video game enthusiasts of all ages. You'll find our flagship podcast, where hosts and fellow community members come together each and every month to play a game. From those nostalgic favorites of your childhood to the hottest modern titles that everyone’s talking about – this show, along with members of the community, covers it all!

Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #7 - Kirby's Dreamland
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Curtiss is joined by Nintendo fan and YouTube rising star Luke from the hit show Retro Nonsense! This episode won't put anyone to sleep because they are talking all about Kriby's Dreamland

Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #75 - Nintendo VR?
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Some weak news leads off this live Christmas episode of Cartridge Club Weekly. Luckily we follow that up with a strong Update segment were we cover a ton of podcasts from the community and possibly a Nintendo VR announcement? Merry Christmas everyone, don’t read the chat!
News: 1:56
Update: 21:06
CCAnswers: 1:08:30
Donate to ExtraLife4Kids here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=264878
Cartridge Club GOTY vote: http://bit.ly/ccawardsvote
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #74 - The VGA's and Extra Life 4 Kids
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
The VGA’s and PSX dominate the news this week as we discuss winners, losers and everyone in between. Batman gets animated and that’s no kabuki! In Update we talk about the Club raising over 3 times our goal in a 50 hour live stream. This was our first year participating in Extra Life 4 Kids and it was a wonderful event for the community.
News: 1:46
Update: 21:00
CCAnswers: 55:15
Donate to ExtraLife4Kids here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=264878
Cartridge Club GOTY vote: http://bit.ly/ccawardsvote
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #6 - Patapon
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Curtiss and P1 sit down to talk about the PSP rhythm, rpg, action adventure, strategy game PATAPON!

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #73 - Ryan Reynolds Gets Physical With Pikachu
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Ryan Reynolds, Dark Souls on Switch and PS4 sells like gangbusters. Those topics and all the Cartridge Club updates you could want in this weeks episode.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Cartridge Club #51 - Mass Effect 2
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
One month after the events of Mass Effect, the SSV Normandy is patrolling for geth resistance when it is suddenly attacked by an unknown vessel, forcing the crew to abandon ship. After pushing Joker into the final escape pod, Shepard is blasted into space and dies via asphyxiation after a suit breach. His/her body is pulled into the orbit of a nearby planet and recovered by Cerberus, who begin the "Lazarus Project" with the sole purpose of bringing Shepard back to life. After two years, Shepard is revived on an operating table and escapes a research station under attack by its own security mechs alongside Cerberus operatives Jacob Taylor and Miranda Lawson.
Introductions 00:00
Musty Hobbit
Twitter: @MustyHobbit
Twitter: @Kaleri_
Twitter: N/A
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: @Serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: @willopruitt
Level 1 06:00
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Mass Effect 2 and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Bioware
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Director: Casey Hudson
- Platform(s):
- Xbox 360
- PS3
- Windows
- Release Date:
- Genre: Action Role Playing, Third Person Shooter
Level 2
Discuss story of the game: 18:57
- Squad Members
- Kasumi Goto 30:22
- Grunt 36:30
- Mordin Solus 44:37
- Thane Krios 52:35
- Jack 58:38
- Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor 1:03:12
- Legion and Tali zorah vas Normandy 1:11:08
- Samara or Morinth 1:24:28
- Garrus Vakarian 1:28:35
- Zaeed Massani 1:36:18
- Suicide Mission 1:38:56
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 2:03:29
Discuss sound: 2:19:30
Discuss graphics: 2:26:36
Level 3 2:29:21
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 2:36:57
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (We Love Katamari)

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #72 - A Wild Shelby Appears
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
This week we are joined by the incomparable Shelby of Bonus Barrel fame.

Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #71 - Happy Thanksgiving
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
The bros do another live show and talk about all the things they're grateful for!

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #70 - Top 5 Games of the Generation
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
A light news week and a short span since the last show leaves the Bros with a smaller than average show. But that doesn’t stop them from having a little fun and then diving into some of the great games from this generation.
News: 2:20
Update: 10:51
CCAnswers: 38:28
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #69 - MEGA WEEKLY
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
After a week away due to illness we are back with an extended live show!
News: 3:36
Update: 33:23
CCAnswers: 1:54:25
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Cartridge Club #50 - Super Castlevania IV
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Introductions 00:00
Ram Vox
Twitter: @TheRamVox
VG Elucidator
Twitter: @VGElucidator
Twitter: @DarroM85
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: @Serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: @willopruitt
Level 1 08:55
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Super Castlevania IV and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Konami
- Publisher: Konami
- Director: Masahiro Ueno
- Composer: Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudo
- Series: Castlevania
- Platform(s):
- Release Date:
- JP: October 31, 1991 | NA: December 4, 1991 | EU November 23, 1992
- Genre: Action, Platformer
Level 2 20:38
Discuss story of the game:
In the small country of Transylvania there is a legend which says that every 100 years the forces of Good mysteriously become weak and the forces of Evil gain a foothold into our world. The evil manifests itself in the form of one of the most feared characters to roam the earth - the vampire Dracula!
Every 100 years Dracula is revived and grows stronger and stronger. His goal is to turn all humanity into creatures of darkness, to be ruled under his iron fist. He has appeared in this world many times, and there are many people who fear that in his next appearance, he may be unstoppable.
There is one group that has always been around to see that Dracula is defeated, the Belmont family. For generations the Belmonts have passed along the secrets and skills of vampire-hunting to the eldest child of the family. While many of the Belmonts have lived peaceful lives without encountering Dracula, they remain prepared. There are occasional skirmishes with lesser monsters, but the Belmont clan has always emerged victorious.
Now, 100 years have passed since the last battle between Dracula and the Belmonts. Transylvanians are reporting mysterious sightings of odd creatures appearing under the cover of darkness. As Spring approaches, the citizens prepare for a traditional celebration.
Unbeknownst to them, an evil group of people is holding a ceremony in the old destroyed abbey outside of town, attempting to revive the Prince of Darkness. As they carry out their ritual a dark cloud descends over the countryside. The sinister group stirs itself into a frenzy of mysterious chanting and pagan dancing, then lightning strikes the abbey. The ground bucks under their feet, and the abbey walls shudder. Once again, Dracula is revived!
It is time once again for Simon Belmont to call forth the powers of good to aid him in his battle. Armed with his mystical whip, his courage and the centuries-old knowledge of Belmont family training, he sets forth on his mission...
- Characters 26:43
- Simon Belmont
- Dracula
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 36:42
- Favourite sub weapons
- Memorable moments
- Difficulty
- Learning curve
- Password system
- Remake of Castlevania?
Discuss sound: 1:29:45
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
Discuss graphics: 1:40:15
- Favorite stages
- Character design
- Enemy design
Level 3 1:54:27
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 2:02:11
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5 2:09:30
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Mass Effect 2)

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #68 - The Bros Get Blown Away By Xbox
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Our first and last “what we’ve been up to” segment. Neither of us knows anything about Animal Crossing Mobile but we make up for it with other dull news stories! Xbox cancels the Kinect and Nintendo paints more New 3DS shells. To round out news P2 renders P1 speechless for a full 2 minutes.
NEWS: 7:07
UPDATE: 20:00
CCANSWERS: 1:05:32
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #5 - Resident Evil Revelations
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Curtiss and Lo back on the air together again and it couldn't be a better show! This month we all played Resident Evil Revelations and this duo gives their thoughts on a game available on literally everything!
Curtiss on Twitter: @curtissfrisle
Lo on Twitter: @nintenlo

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #67 - Goodbye Visceral, Hello PRGE
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Doom gets a release date, Switch gets upgrades and Visceral Games is shuttered. We’re playing Castlevania IV and Resident Evil Revelations with the Club.
NEWS: 05:06
UPDATE: 20:12
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #66 - Live After Death
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
This week we're live via Twitch to talk about games, movies and the infamous Nova Scotia Ice Cream Sandwich.

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #65 - Game on Your Own Terms
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
This week we discuss the closing of the Wii eShop, Final Fantasy 15 story additions and the proper way to hang your toilet paper rolls. The Cartridge Club is playing Super Castlevania and Resident Evil Revelations while Musty Hobbit is showing off his sword on Second Breakfast. Lastly we wind down with some talk about how good it feels to beat games.
NEWS: 2:20
Wii eShop Closing: 2:37
Nintendo Restricts Live Streaming: 5:38
Final Fantasy XV Story Add-on: 7:43
Splatfest: 12:23
Andrew House Steps Down: 16:27
Super Castlevania IV: 20:30
Resident Evil Revelations: 21:20
Masters of Unlocking: 22:20
Media Mavens: 30:48
STC: 35:10
Bonus Barrel: 40:16
QDawgs: 42:50
Second Breakfast: 56:30
CCAnswers: 57:30
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Cartridge Club #49 - Mega Man 2
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
This month we jump into action with this Classic platformer. Joined by series pros Rae, Yoshi and Adam we talk about Mega Man 2.
Twitter: @RaeGun2K
Twitter: @YoshiKnuckles
Twitter: @novanewf
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com
Level 1 07:52
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Mega Man 2 and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Capcom
- Publisher: Capcom
- Designer: Keiji Inafune
- Director: Akira Kitamura
- Composer: Takashi Tateishi
- Series: Mega Man
- Platform(s):
- NES/Famicom
- PlayStation (2, 4)
- Xbox One
- GameCube
- 3DS
- Wii U
- NES Classic
- Release Date: December 24 1988
- Genre: Action, Platformer
Level 2 23:40
Discuss story of the game:
- Mega Man 2 takes place one year after the original Mega Man. After his initial defeat Dr. Wily, the series' main antagonist, creates his own set of Robot Masters in an attempt to counter Mega Man.
- Characters
- Metal Man
- Air Man
- Bubble Man
- Quick Man
- Crash Man
- Flash Man
- Heat Man
- Wood Man
- Dr. Wily
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 45:07
- Boss order
- Favourite weapons
- Memorable moments
- Difficulty
- Learning curve
- Password system
Discuss sound: 1:16:47
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
Discuss graphics: 1:27:25
- Favorite stages
- Character design
Level 3 1:49:07
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 1:58:02
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Super Castlevania 2)

Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #64 - PlayStation Classic
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
PlayStation Classic ignites a debate between the bros as one of us is convinced the graphics would be a barrier. An RTS based on Ender’s Game and the addition of easy mode in games rounds up the show in one of the most exciting episodes we’ve ever had.
NEWS: 00:00
UPDATE: 35:45
CCANSWERS: 1:03:40
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #4 - Mega Man ZX
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Curtiss is joined by P2 of the Cartridge Bros to talk about this handheld platforming gem. Will Mega Man ZX be a hero or a zero?
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curtissfrisle | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/girlfriendvs

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #63 - Microtransactions
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sony dominates the news this week with the TGS announcements. We roll into some Masters of Unlocking love and talk up the best blog ever written by Dean Lasagna. Then we hit a topic inspired by Frantic Society and tackle micro transactions.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #62 - Nintendo Does What Nintendon't
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Nintendo Nintendo and more Nintendo! This week is chalk full of NES Classic news, Online Apps talk, games coming to Switch and some not. We dive into the Nintendo Direct and shockingly both of us lost interest in a massive RPG.
News: 01:40
CCUpdate: 25:05
CCMission: 59:30
Topic: 1:01:10
CCAnswers: 1:22:27
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #61 - The Real Way to Play Games
Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Xbox users upgrade to keyboard and mouse and Nintendo Switch games get installed after all. A Hat in Time gets glowing reviews from P2, or at least it would if he could buy a physical copy of it (looking at you Limited Run). Rockstar comes to Switch in the form of an L.A. Noire remake!
Mega Man dominates the Prime and Portable game of the month for September and the new website is up and running like an olympic athlete!
In our topic we tackle the controversial subject of how to play games. One designer at Nintendo recently said that they have a mentality that they know best how to experience their games and as such they often give you less freedom.
News: 00:58
CCUpdate: 18:05
CCMission: 53:32
Topic: 55:10
CCAnswers: 1:09:46
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Cartridge Club #48 - Journey
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
This month we take a stroll through the desert with a game that has been described as the birth of indie gaming on Playstation. Joined by Jake from Polykill and the RF Generation Playcast crew we take a look at Journey.
Twitter: @theMcAxl | Website: www.polykill.com
Twitter: @thesinglebanana | Website: http://www.rfgeneration.com | Podcast: http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com
Twitter: @MrShawnGray | Website: http://www.rfgeneration.com | Podcast: http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com
Level 1 5:00
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Journey and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: thatgamecompany
- Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
- Designer: Nicholas Clark, Bryan Singh, Chris Bell
- Director: Jenova Chen
- Composer: Austin Wintory
- Series: Journey
- Platform(s):
- Release Date:
- PlayStation 3
Level 2
Discuss story of the game: 13:15
- Journey's story is told wordlessly through gameplay and using cutscenes. The player's character begins on a sand dune in a seemingly endless desert. In the far distance looms a large, foreboding mountain with a glowing crevice that splits its peak. As the character approaches the mountain, they find remnants of a once-thriving civilization, eroded by sand over time. Scattered throughout the ruins at the end of each area are stones at which the traveler rests; these stones give the traveler the vision of meeting a larger, white-robed figure in a circular room, with art on the walls describing the rise and fall of the civilization mirroring the player's journey. The player must also contend with the ancient automatons left over from a war which ended the civilization, and which still roam the city looking for intruders.
- Cut scenes
- Symbolic?
- Did you catch feels?
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 32:21
- Walking simulator?
- Smooth learning curve
- Puzzle difficulty
- Float, Jump, Interact
Discuss sound: 58:05
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
Discuss graphics: 1:04:26
- Favorite stages
- Character design
Level 3 1:15:46
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 1:27:55
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5 1:32:55
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Mega Man 2)

Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #60 - 4 Years of Friends and Family
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Secret of Mana remakes, Limited Run gets it right and Street Fighter 2 is heating up in the news this week. STC tackles the question of would we collect if things weren’t limited and rare and Flock of Nerds releases the best video describing the Cartridge Club ever. Then we celebrate 4 years of the Cartridge Club for our topic!
News: 2:10
CCUpdate: 14:10
CCMission: 43:22
Topic: 47:24
CCAnswers: 59:00
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #3 - Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
Curtiss Frisle: @CurtissFrisle
Matt Bandy: @xMattBandyX

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #59 - August 27th 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
This week we talk ReCore, SNES Classic, limited runs and Xbox Scorpio Edition. As well we rave about the smash hit collaboration video Girlfriends Versus and then we delve into the world of pre-orders.
News: 1:45
CCUpdate: 20:47
CCMission 48:01
Topic: 49:57
CCAnswers: 1:02:29
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Cartridge Club Extra #8 - Splatoon 2
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Hello and thanks for tuning in to this bonus episode of the Cartridge Club. If you are new to the Club I’ll quickly explain what we are. The Cartridge Club is a community of content creators and gamers of all generations. We interact on Twitter, Play games together online and chat it up on the forums at www.cartridgeclub.org
This bonus show is going to be all about Splatoon 2 and will contain spoilers. You have been warned. Now let's meet the panel...
First up we have the winner of the one console challenge and the mother of beat my score, Mrs. Q Dawg
As well we have joining us one of the fastest inkers in the west the incomparable Vani
Finally filling the role of co-host and moderator for this extra episode of the Cartridge Club is my brother Mark, also known as Player 2
Level 1: 3:30
Mark gives a quick overview of Splatoon 2 and panel discusses their first impressions.
- Developer: Nintendo EPD
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Director: Yusuke Amano, Seita Inoue, Shintaro Sato
- Producer: Hisashi Nogami
- Composer: Toru Minegish
- Designer:
- Series: Splatoon
- Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
- Release Date:
- Genre: Third Person Shooter(?)
Level 2: 13:20
Discuss story of the game:
- Splatoon 2 takes place approximately two years after the final Splatfest event of the first game, in which the pop idol Marie proved victorious over her cousin and fellow Squid Sister, Callie. While the two girls seem to carry on as normal afterwards, the usually inseparable cousins begin to spend more and more time apart due to their growing solo careers, with Marie beginning to worry about whether Callie was negatively affected by the Splatfest result. After going out of Inkopolis to see her parents, Marie returns home to discover both Callie and the Great Zapfish have gone missing. Fearing that the evil Octarians are once again involved, Marie once again takes on her role as Agent 2 of the Squidbeak Splatoon and recruits an Inkling from Inkopolis Square, the player character, to become Agent 4 and investigate.
- Characters
- Pearl
- Marina
- Mr. Grizz
- Marie
- Judd
- Li’l Judd
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 29:22
- Ink the ground for points
- Motion Controls
- Splats
- Weapons/Sub weapons/Specials
- Map design
- Ability modifiers on clothing
- Game Modes
- Turf War
- Ranked
- Splat Zones
- Tower Control
- Rain Maker
- League
- Salmon Run
- Octo Canyon
- Splatfest
- Voice Chat
Discuss sound: 1:14:42
- Favourite background music
- Discuss sound effects
- Memorable or forgettable
Discuss graphics: 1:21:05
- Bright, colourful stages
- 60fps locked in
- Fashion and inkling design
Level 3: 1:35:05
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4: 1:39:50
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5: 1:44:23
Outro (thank panel and audience)
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CartridgeBros | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrsQDawg | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMightyQDawg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vani_Valentine

Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #58 - August 20th 2017
Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Sunday Aug 20, 2017
News: 1:30
https://www.vg247.com/2017/08/14/nier-a ... ys-kamiya/
Crackdown 3 Delayed to 2018
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/16/ ... ed-to-2018
Blizzard Admits it Shouldn't Have Rebranded Battle.net
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/15/ ... -battlenet
Cartridge Club Update: 16:00
Announcements 16:11
CCPrime - Journey
CCPortable - GTA Chinatown Wars
BMS - Splatoon 2
Podcasts 19:35
http://stcpod.podbean.com/e/stcpod-145- ... in-common/
http://polykill.libsyn.com/episode-47-g ... e-shooters
https://soundcloud.com/bonus-barrel/bon ... -moved-you
Blogs 31:27
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-colle ... ug-13-2017
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-colle ... ter-system
Videos 33:50
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/caleb-j-ro ... ture-caleb
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/retro-revo ... n-defender
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdaw ... aug-6-2017
http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbi ... o-remember
CC Mission: 38:35
Be decent to each other and open your heart to love.
Topic: 40:26
Barrie Game Exchange and the Cartridge Club meetup.
CCAnswers: 53:16
#CCAnswers was the BGE and CC meet ups one of the highlights of your life to see how far the club has come? @retrofaithgames
#CCAnswers If the club was stuck in a post-apocalyptic scenario, would we be able to survive? What roles would different members have? @flockofnerds
#CCanswers if there was a Cartridge Club tv show what would it be about? Who would be the star? @franticsociety
Will we see you at #CartridgeCon in Chicago next year P2? #CCAnswers @mrsqdawg
#CCAnswers what Nintendo character is most likely to be Sonic's long lost lover? @alatinolawyer
Did you guys see that mysterious trailer on Girlfriend Vs's channel??? #CCANSWERS @curtissfrisele
#ccanswers What did P2 think of Last Tango in Paris? @steveneidher
Do you have a cure for #CCWithdrawal? If so, please share. I'm currently afflicted. #CCAnswers @k_song
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #57 - August 13th 2017
Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Sunday Aug 13, 2017

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Cartridge Club Extra #7 - Wolfenstein The New Order
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Hello and thanks for tuning in to this bonus episode of the Cartridge Club. If you are new to the Club I’ll quickly explain what we are. The Cartridge Club is a community of content creators and gamers of all generations. We interact on Twitter, Play games together online and chat it up on the forums at www.cartridgeclub.org
This bonus show is going to be all about Wolfenstein The New Order and will contain spoilers. You have been warned. Now let's meet the panel...
First up from the YouTube channel formerly known as Burning Books, a man whose future self is likely the oldest living member of the Cartridge Club Mr. Caleb J Ross
As well we have the man whose Weekly collector blogs have single handedly stalled all the funding for my home renovations, a founding member of the Cartridge Club Mr. Dean Lasagna
Last and certainly not least we have one of the co-hosts of Media Mavens, from Cannot Be Tamed on YouTube, the Uber Nazi killer, Pam.
Finally filling the role of co-host and moderator for this extra episode of the Cartridge Club we have death incarnate himself, Mr. Musty Hobbit
Level 1: 05:10
Musty gives a quick overview of Wolfenstein and panel discusses their first impressions.
- Developer: Machine Games
- Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
- Director: Jens Matthies
- Producer: Jerk Gustafsson, Lars Johansson
- Composer: Mick Gordon, Fredrik Thordenal
- Designer: Fredrik Ljungdahl, Jerk Gustafsson
- Series: Wolfenstein
- Platform(s): XboxOne, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC
- Release Date: 20 May 2014
- Genre: First Person Shooter
Level 2: 18:48
Discuss story of the game:
- In an alternate 1960 the Nazis were victorious in WWII. We play as William BJ Blazkowicz an American soldier who has spent the last 16 years in a comatose state. Upon waking up BJ hooks up with a doctor friend and they seek out the resistance to help fight back against their Nazi overlords.
- William B.J. Blazkowicz
- Ferguson Reid
- Probst Wyatt IIi
- Anya Oliwa
- Caroline Becker
- Max Hass
- Klaus Kreutz
- Set Roth
- Tekla
- J
- Frau Engel
- Wilhelm “Deathshead” Strasse
- Bubi
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 58:45
- Tactical cover based shooter
- Stealth
- Skill tree upgrades
- Health pack overloading
- Pacing
- Nightmare
- Collectibles
Discuss sound: 1:24:33
- Favourite background music
- Discuss sound effects
- Memorable or forgettable
Discuss graphics: 1:40:30
- Nazi uniforms designs
- Weapon designs
- Favorite settings
- Favourite character/stage
Level 3: 1:56:02
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4: 2:07:07
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5:
Outro (thank panel and audience)
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flockofnerds | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MustyHobbit | YouTube: www.youtube.com/mustyhobbit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasyla_ | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cannotbetamed1 | Podcast: https://mediamavens.simplecast.fm | Website: http://www.cannotbetamed.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Round_2_Gaming | Blog: http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calebjross | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/calebjross

Sunday Aug 06, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #56 - August 6th 2017
Sunday Aug 06, 2017
Sunday Aug 06, 2017
News: 02:20
- Pacific Rim Sequel Gets a New Release Date
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/03/pacific-rim-sequel-gets-a-new-release-date - Rime Switch Version Release Date Announced
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/03/rime-switch-version-release-date-announced - Overcooked Dev Working on Nintendo Switch Version Frame Rate Issue Patch
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/01/overcooked-dev-working-on-nintendo-switch-version-frame-rate-issue-patch - Overwatch Summer Games to Return August 8th
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/01/overwatch-summer-games-to-return-august-8th - Resident Evil: Revelations 1 and 2 Coming to Nintendo Switch
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/01/resident-evil-revelations-1-and-2-coming-to-nintendo-switch - SNES Classic Edition Preorders Will Begin This Month
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/01/snes-classic-edition-preorders-will-begin-this-month - Dragon Quest XI Sells 2 Million Copies In Two Days In Japan
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/08/02/dragon-quest-xi-sells-2-million-copies-in-two-days-in-japan - Metroid Samus Returns has Exclusive Content for Amiibo http://www.eurogamer.net/amp/2017-07-26-metroid-samus-returns-has-exclusive-content-for-four-amiibo
Cartridge Club Update: 20:05
Announcements 20:21
- CC Prime - Journey along with RF Generation Community Playthrough
- CC Portable - GTA Chinatown Wars
- Beat My Score - Splatoon 2
Podcasts 23:49
- Game Time Arcade -
- Retro Pixel Podcast -
- Polykill -
- Flock Talk - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-talk/flock-talk-episode-9-gaming-expectations-audio-only
- Gaming Outsider - http://thegamingoutsider.com/2017/08/02/gaming-outsider-podcast-episode-155-live/
- Bonus Barrel - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-138-the-start-of-rhythm-month
Videos 50:06
- In the Q Dawg House - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/in-the-qdawg-house-week-of-july-23-2017
- Retro Revolutions - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/retro-revolutions/how-to-install-free-mcboot-ft-electric-adventures
- Caleb J Ross - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/caleb-j-ross/nova-111-ps4-video-game-review-limited-run-games-release
- Flock of Nerds - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-of-nerds/conbravo-2017-vlog-overwatch-cosplay-familyjules-concert-the-arcade
- Second Breakfast - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-polykilling-my-way-to-200-subscribers
Blogs 53:04
- Merchandise Mondays - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/merchandise-mondays-jul-24-2017-jul-30-2017
- Round 2 Reviews - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/round2review-assassins-creed-i-ps3
CC Mission: 54:55
- Subscribe to Polykill on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ky88XJkpdnbNeN5n7NBzQ
Topic: 56:44
- Which Console had the best first year of games?
CCAnswers: 1:08:16
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Cartridge Club #47 - Portal
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Hello gamers and thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Cartridge Club. If you are new to the Club I’ll quickly explain what we are. The Cartridge Club is a community of content creators and gamers of all generations. I am Sean (Player 1) and along with my brother Mark (Player 2) we host a monthly book club for gamers. We pick a game and invite everyone in the Club to play along and then select guests to come on this show and discuss the game everyone played. This show will contain heavy spoilers, you have been warned. Without further ado let’s meet our panel this month…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Duke0619 | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7hcVewAmVJQ3n21S_ocuqg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dege13 | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8DbRGsv97NaYrOXz7xfBw | Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dollar-dorks/id1226561471?mt=2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasyla_ | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cannotbetamed1 | Podcast: https://mediamavens.simplecast.fm | Website: http://www.cannotbetamed.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seigiac | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQnJN0t7-fIH1S2obV_fXIg | Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/bonus-barrel
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com
Level 1 06:29
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Portal and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Valve Corporation
- Publisher: Valve Corporation
- Designer: Kim Swift
- Composer: Kelly Bailey, Mike Morasky
- Series: Portal
- Platform(s):
- Release Date: October 9, 2007
- Genre: First Person Puzzle Platformer
Level 2
Discuss story of the game: 19:39
- You take on the role of Chell, a young woman trapped within the Aperture Science complex. Chell is forced to solve tests of varying difficulty in chambers designed by an AI-gone-rogue named GLaDOS. During the early stages of the testing, Chell is granted usage of the Handheld Portal Device (commonly referred to as the "portal gun"), a piece of equipment developed by Aperture Science that allows Chell to create portals that act as gates between each other, allowing Chell to quickly traverse areas or reach normally unreachable places.
- Chell
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 31:57
- Portal mechanics
- Smooth learning curve
- Puzzle difficulty
- First person platforming (has this ever been good in any game?)
- Combat - finding creative ways to eliminate enemies
Discuss sound: 1:08:11
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
- Voice acting
Discuss graphics: 1:19:49
- Favorite stages
- Favourite level design
Level 3 1:29:36
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Journey)

Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #55 - July 30th 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
News: 03:50
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/27/new-overwatch-character-doomfist-is-available-to-play-now
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/27/overwatch-league-reveals-minimum-player-salaries-and-benefits
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/25/lost-sphear-release-date-announced
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/26/walmart-cancels-snes-classic-edition-preorders
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/26/nintendo-switch-sells-47-million-units-arms-and-mario-kart-sell-strongly
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/24/splatoon-2-review
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/10/27/final-fantasy-15-to-get-multiplayer-mode-as-dlc
Cartridge Club Update: 21:07
Announcements 21:39
- CCPortable - Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars
- CCPrime - Journey with RF Generation
Podcasts 23:32
- Bonus Barrel http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-137-platforming-culture
- Media Mavens https://mediamavens.simplecast.fm/episodes/77855-just-like-the-mad-king-episode-35
- Polykill Collect Call http://polykill.libsyn.com/collect-call-22-scott-the-video-game-collectaholic
- STCPod http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-142-we-are-all-passengers
- Yet Another Unnamed Podcast http://vgcollectaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Podcast-Ep-000-The-Prototype-Edition-20170719.mp3
Videos 43:44
- The Way I See It - Preordering http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/the-way-i-see-it-the-problems-with-pre-ordering
- Second Breakfast - Fear http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-fear
- Caleb J Ross - Is Nintendo on its Way Out? http://www.cartridgeclub.org/caleb-j-ross/is-nintendo-on-its-way-out
Blogs 52:26
- Merchandise Mondays http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/merchandise-mondays-jul-17-2017-jul-23-2017
Round 2 Review http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/round2review-shenmue-i-dreamcast
CC Mission: 54:17
- Leave an iTunes, Stitcher or GooglePlay review for STCPod and Tweet the image with the hashtag #CCMission for the final week of entries to the $20 eShop gift card draw.
Topic: 57:45
- Splatoon 2 ink blots and headshots
CCAnswers: 1:04:07
- @Kyle_325 What do you think the release decade will be for the #FinalFantasyVIIRemake?
- @itsrocketsauce As someone who isn't a fan of competitive online shooters, what does @CartridgeBrosP2 think of #Splatoon2 ?
- @franticsociety Are you 2 going to pick up Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle in August? What do you think of the previews so far?
- @vintagevideogamegeek Who is to blame for the @Walmart #SNESClassic fiasco? Walmart, Nintendo or both?
- @dege13 Barrie Hype?
- @Nintendo_Legend How high would you like to be able to jump, if you could supernaturally decide such a thing?
- @alatinolawyer milkshake or ice cream scoops?
- @mustyhobbit I'd be interested to hear
what it is that you fear - @travplaysgames You can only play one game the rest of the year: Splatoon 2 or Overwatch?
- @gisby_marc for the rest of your life would you rather play Superman 64 or the Atari version of ET
- @retrofaithgames fav action movies one old one modern
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017

Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #54 - July 23rd 2017
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
News: 01:39
- https://www.polygon.com/2017/7/17/15982212/ataribox-console-atari-design-pictures
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/16/kingdom-hearts-3-director-switch-version-maybe-possible-after-xbox-one-ps4-versions-are-released
- https://www.polygon.com/2017/7/18/15990694/bioware-general-manager-anthem-director-aaryn-flynn-steps-down-casey-hudson
- http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?p=243985300
- Comic-Con 2017: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Free DLC Level Now Available
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/07/20/comic-con-2017-crash-bandicoot-n-sane-trilogy-free-dlc-level-now-available - What Nintendo's Online Mobile App Can and Cannot Do
Club Update: 17:25
- CCPortable - Tetris DS
- CCPrime - Portal
- Rick V Day special podcast
Podcasts 20:48
- Polykill - https://polykill.libsyn.com/episode-45-meet-the-flockers
- STC - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-142-we-are-all-passengers
- Bonus Barrel - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-136-convention-culture
- Mighty Q Bros - https://cartridgeclub.podbean.com/e/cartridge-club-extra-6-rick-v-day/
Videos 35:42
- Second Breakfast - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-qa-and-holy-grails
Blogs 39:56
- Merchandise Mondays - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/merchandise-mondays-jul-10-2017-jul-16-2017
CC Mission: 44:12
- Tell us your favourite SMS game in honor of the 20th Rick V Day
Topic: 44:53
- Nintendo Switch VC plans
CCAnswers: 48:53
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Cartridge Club Extra #6 - Rick V Day
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Welcome to a special MightyQBros podcast celebrating the 20th anniversary of 'Rick V. Day'!
On July 18 1997, Eric "MightyQDawg" and his brothers received a very special package in the mail containing a huge lot of SMS games. It was a very exciting day for us, and today, on the 20th anniversary of this momentous event, the MightyQBros get together to reminisce about our days growing up playing video games. Enjoy the podcast!

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #53 - July 16th
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
A live show and a day late, but that won't stop CC Weekly from airing with all your Cartridge Club facts for the week!

Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #52 - July 9th
Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Splatoon 2 sells out on Amazon and SNES Classic resellers get slapped on the wrist. We talk our gaming strengths and weaknesses and share some from the community as well.
News: 1:05
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/06/overwatch-doomfist-now-available-as-playable-charcter
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/06/nintendo-switch-online-smartphone-app-to-launch-this-month
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/06/nintendo-will-release-splatoon-2-dlc-for-a-year-new-timed-demo-announced
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/07/06/platinum-possibly-teasing-bayonetta-1-2-and-the-wonderful-101-for-switch
- http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/snes-classic-mini-nintendo-release-date-super-entertainment-system-amazon-game-a7823336.html
- http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/07/ebay_is_trying_but_struggling_to_stop_the_onslaught_of_snes_mini_scalpers
Club Update: 15:16
Announcements 15:38
- CCPortable - Tetris DS (Dean and Fitgnat crushing it)
- CCPrime - Portal (Bros Stream)
Podcasts 17:41
- Polykill - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-podcast/polykill-podcast-44-live-from-the-e4-show-floor
- STCPod - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-140-what-transpired-at-a-bob-dylan-concert-text-wars
Videos 35:59
- Musty - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-how-do-you-attack-a-new-to-you-console-library
Blogs 39:16
- Merchandise Mondays - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/merchandise-mondays-jun-26-2017-jul-2-2017
- Round2Review - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/round2review-body-harvest-n64
CC Mission: 42:23
- Give a #CCUnite tweet (our version of the #FF) for someone on Twitter. Anyone at all who you think has tweets that should be in our feeds. Don’t forget to add #CCMission to get entered for the draw!
Topic: 45:07
Gaming Strengths and Weaknesses
CCAnswers: 1:0237
- @alatinolawyer - pick game franchises that Nintendo and either Sony or MS have to trade and take over (1 each way)
- @jj19862004 - #TeamCake or #TeamIceCream
- @MustyHobbit - How do you tackle new (to you) libraries?
- @k_song - Do you binge listen to a band before seeing them live? After? Currently listening to #BobDylan in anticipation.
- @FranticSociety - Do you think Nintendo will release a N64 classic next year & Gamecube Classic the year after? What games would you want on them?
- @RetroPixil - What if any title have you tried with very low expectations of enjoying & ended up loving the entire play through?
- @MightyQDawg - Given that someone in the CC committed a crime and served jail time, who was it and what was his or her crime?
- @technodork437 - Is it weird that when I watched P1 blow into his 3DS to dry his waifu that I not only maintained eye contact but kind of liked it
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Cartridge Club #46 - Final Fantasy IV
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrsQDawg | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMightyQDawg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Duke0619 | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7hcVewAmVJQ3n21S_ocuqg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BraselTheGamer | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/braselthegamer | Website: https://www.gamingrebellion.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RetroPixil | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb7thsH4YvBYFQDEE841klw
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com
Level 1
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Final Fantasy IV and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Square
- Publisher: Square
- Director: Hironobu Sakaguchi
- Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
- Series: Final Fantasy
- Platform(s):
- Nintendo DS (Remake)
- iOS (Port of DS remake)
- Android (Port of DS remake)
- Microsoft Windows (Port of DS remake)
- Genre: RPG
Level 2 16:35
Discuss story of the game: 16:35
Cecil, a dark knight and airship captain from the Kingdom of Baron, begins to outwardly question his king’s order to slaughter a village full of wizards. He does this after slaughtering a village full of wizards. Baron’s king strips Cecil of his command and sends him out on yet another genocidal quest, which makes Cecil snap. After fighting his way through underground tunnels, zombie mountains, and antlion dens, Cecil renounces the way of dark knightdom and becomes a holy paladin.
Over the course of this journey, Cecil discovers that behind King Baron’s strange behavior is a dude named Golbez, who has a grand plan to collect all the world’s crystals and kill everyone. Golbez makes it really, really personal, so Cecil sets out to defeat him, assembling a lineup of quirky party members along the way. Cecil and his party thwart evil dancing dolls, giant walls, and wolves made of fire. Eventually they even go to the moon, because Final Fantasy has always been insane.
Credit: http://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-iv-was-ahead-of-its-time-1785708699
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 1:01:36
- Active Time Battle (First implementation of this and it remained a series staple until IX)
- Turn Based Combat
- Random Encounters (Annoying remnant of the past or grinders dream)
- Favourite Summons/Spells
- Different Strategies
- Boss mechanics (easy to figure out, too difficult or just right)
- 4 modes of transportation (Airship x2, Lunar Whale, Hover Craft)
- Rotating Cast of Characters (kept gameplay fresh or annoyed at having to level up newcomers)
- Item Management
- Grinding Strategy
Discuss sound: 1:44:07
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
- Best soundtrack in any video game or best soundtrack of all time across all media?
Discuss graphics: 1:59:28
- Very bright and colorful
- Favorite stages
- Favourite enemy/boss design
- Sprites vs Polygon
Level 3 2:11:52
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 2:29:33
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Portal)

Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #51 - July 2nd 2017
Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Sunday Jul 02, 2017
What an exciting week if you're a Nintendo fan! If you aren't a Nintendo fan, or if you've had enough SNES Classic talk already go ahead and jump to minute 31 to skip all of it. If you are excited for it buckle up because we are about to get deep on it!
News: 01:09
Xbox One X Will Download 4K Game Patches, Whether You Have a 4K TV or Not
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/26/ ... -tv-or-not
Nintendo Announces Super Famicom Mini With Fire Emblem, Other Games for Japan
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/26/ ... -for-japan
Nintendo Will Produce 'Significantly More' SNES Classic Editions Than NES Classic
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/26/ ... es-classic
SNES Classic Edition Announced and Dated
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/26/ ... -and-dated
Club Update: 31:00
Announcements 31:21
CCPortable - Tetris DS
CCPrime - Portal
Line up of games for February - April now on the forums
Podcasts 35:50
Polykill http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-p ... readsheets
STCPOD http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stc ... -limericks
Bonus Barrel http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barr ... e-in-games
Media Mavens http://mediamavens.simplecast.fm/episod ... episode-33
Polykill http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-p ... readsheets
Videos 52:30
Flock of Nerds http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-of-n ... y-business
Flock of Nerds http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-of-n ... super-easy
QDawg http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdaw ... ne-18-2017
GFVS http://www.cartridgeclub.org/girlfriend ... ckup-video
Caleb http://www.cartridgeclub.org/caleb-j-ro ... ture-caleb
Blogs 56:30
RyHo http://www.retrodef.ca/2017/06/still-alive.html
R2G http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-colle ... un-25-2017
R2G http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-colle ... cworld-ps1
CC Mission: 58:15
Share a YouTube video from one of your favourite channels.
CCAnswers: 1:01:22
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Cartridge Club Portable #1 - Donkey Kong '94
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curtissfrisle | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/girlfriendvs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VintageVGGeek | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vintagevideogamegeek

Sunday Jun 25, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #50 - June 25th 2017
Sunday Jun 25, 2017
Sunday Jun 25, 2017
News: 00:43
- E3 2017: IO Interactive Officially Goes Indie, Gains Full Rights to Hitman IP
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/16/e3-2017-io-interactive-officially-goes-indie-gains-full-rights-to-hitman-ip - Blizzard Seemingly Remastering Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/19/blizzard-seemingly-remastering-warcraft-3-and-diablo-2 - Diablo 3 Rise of the Necromancer Release Date Revealed
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/20/diablo-3-rise-of-the-necromancer-release-date-revealed - Resident Evil 2 Remake: Original Voice Actors Being Replaced
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/22/resident-evil-2-remake-original-voice-actors-being-replaced - Final Fantasy's Tetsuya Nomura Designing Multiple Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Characters
Club Update: 12:38
- CCPortable - Tetris DS
- CCPrime - Portal
- Bonus Barrel - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-132-post-e3
- STC - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-138-the-fashion-police-and-dirty-limericks
- Polykill - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-podcast/polykill-podcast-43-the-e3-hangover
- QDawg - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/in-the-qdawg-house-week-of-june-11-2017
- Musty - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-my-favorite-game-genres
- STCPOD - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod1/pickups-stcstyle-joes-new-level-of-collecting-madness-june-19-yard-sales-thrifts-2017
- Flock of Nerds - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-of-nerds/super-mario-bros-3-nes-classic-part-2-old-double-boomerangs
CC Mission: 40:56
Leave a review for Media Mavens on your podcast listening app of choice and Tweet a screenshot of it. Already left one? Grab a screenshot of that and share it too!
Topic: 44:28
Voice acting and why it matters
CCAnswers: 1:07:11
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Cartridge Club Extra #5 - Overwatch
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Level 1:
Musty gives a quick overview of Overwatch and panel discusses their first impressions.
- Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
- Director: Jeffrey Kaplan, Chris Metzen, Aaron Keller
- Producer: N/A
- Composer: Multiple
- Artist: William Petras, Arnold Tsang
- Series: N/A
- Platform(s): XboxOne, PS4, PC
- Release Date: May 24 2016
- Genre: First Person Shooter/Team Based Objective Shooter
Level 2: 21:49
Discuss story of the game:
- Comics | Animated Shorts | Blizzard Articles
Offense Heroes: 32:55
- Genji
- Mcree
- Pharah
- Reaper
- Soldier 76
- Sombra
- Tracer
Defence Heroes: 42:46
- Bastion
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Mei
- Torbjorn
- Widowmaker
Tank Heroes: 59:53
- D.Va
- Orisa
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Winston
- Zarya
Support Heroes: 49:11
- Ana
- Lucio
- Mercy
- Symmetra
- Zenyatta
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 1:07:55
Map Types
- Assault
- Escort
- Hybrid (Assault/Escort)
- Control
Game Modes
- Quick Play
- Competitive
- Arcade (3v3, 6v6, 1v1, Capture the Flag)
- Practice
Loot Boxes
- Random Contents
- Cosmetic Upgrades
- Cost
Events and DLC
- Annual events
- New maps
- New Characters
Discuss sound: 1:40:22
- Favourite background music
- Discuss sound effects
- Memorable or forgettable
Discuss graphics:
- Very bright and colorful
- Stylish versus realistic
- Favorite settings
- Favourite character/stage
Level 3: 2:09:00
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4: 2:19:20
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5: 2:22:25
Outro (thank panel and audience)
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flockofnerds | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MustyHobbit | YouTube: www.youtube.com/mustyhobbit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlockofNerds | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flockofnerds/ | Website: http://flockofnerds.com | Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/flock-talk/id1181993993?mt=2 | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FlockOfNerdsdotCom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theMcAxl | Website: http://www.polykill.com | Podcast: https://polykill.libsyn.com | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ky88XJkpdnbNeN5n7NBzQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MightyQDawg | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMightyQDawg

Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #49 - June 18th 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
News: 00:27
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/06/13/e3-2017-undertale-announced-for-ps4-and-vita
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/06/13/e3-2017-ni-no-kuni-developer-level-5-acquires-comcept
- http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/06/14/e3-2017-sony-defends-ps4s-lack-of-cross-play-for-rocket-league-minecraft?watch
- E3 Recap Written: http://cartridgeclub.bbforum.co/topic765.html
- E3 Recap Video: https://www.youtube.com/c/MustyHobbit
Club Update: 37:18
- CCPortable - Donkey Kong (Gameboy)
- CCPrime - Final Fantasy 4
- Bonus Barrel - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-131-e3-hype
- STC - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-136-shirtless-tied-to-the-whipping-post
- Polykill - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-podcast/off-killter-6-the-day-rihanna-cried
- Game Time Arcade - https://kyle325.podbean.com/e/ep-10-the-arcade-of-memories/
- Media Mavens - https://mediamavens.simplecast.fm/episodes/72626-shoot-them-to-heal-them-episode-32
- Dollar Dorks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DzeXdKTppc
- QDawgs - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/in-the-qdawg-house-week-of-june-4-2017
- Musty - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-the-best-of-e3-2017
- STCPOD - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod1/pickups-stcstyle-video-games-hardware-bonus-segment-june-14-yard-sales-thrifts-2017
- Flock of Nerds - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/flock-of-nerds/tri-city-video-game-show-vlog-interviews-and-hijinks
- http://www.andthenshegames.com/2017/06/e317.html
- https://caughtmegaming.wordpress.com/2017/06/11/for-the-love-of-fee-part-2-if-a-percolator-dies-in-a-kitchen-does-sarca-make-a-sound/
- http://www.cartridgeclub.org/r2gs-collectors-corner/round2review-gex-ps1
CC Mission: 49:15
Tweet your prediction of what day Metroid Prime 4 will release with the hashtag #CCMission and the person who is closest without going over will win a copy of the game!
Topic: N/A
CCAnswers: 52:08
Player 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Player 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub | Website: www.cartridgeclub.org
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #48 - June 11th 2017
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
News: 00:58
- Odin Sphere Developer's 13 Sentinels Coming West
- Pokken Tournament DX Announced for Nintendo Switch
- Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Announced for 3DS
- Horizon: Zero Dawn Has Now Sold 3.4 Million Copies
- Shenmue 3 Delayed
- Axiom Verge Gets Physical Release on Switch http://badlandindie.com/?articles=axiom-verge-multiverse-edition-coming-to-nintendo-switch
- Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back Announced
Club Update: 17:56
Announcements 18:23
- CCPortable - Donkey Kong (Gameboy)
- CCPrime - Final Fantasy 4
- Hype E3 coverage (Musty, Rocket, Caleb, P1)
Podcasts 25:38
- Bonus Barrel - https://soundcloud.com/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-130-video-game-crushes-and-villains
- STC - http://stcpod.podbean.com/e/stcpod-135-telling-a-good-story/
- Polykill - http://polykill.libsyn.com/episode-41-gettin-hype-for-e3-2017-vol-2
- Flock Talk - https://soundcloud.com/flockofnerds/episode-7-escape-rooms
- Retro Pixel - https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/retropixel/episodes/2017-05-31T19_43_58-07_00
- Retro Fandango - http://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-f4mxd-6b91ca
Videos 41:48
- QDawgs - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/in-the-qdawg-house-week-of-may-28-2017
- Musty - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-a-case-for-backwards-compatibility
- STCPOD - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod1/pickups-stcstyle-bins-of-video-games-june-3-yard-sales-thrifts-2017
- Flock of Nerds - https://youtu.be/79NCLX5EHQU
CC Mission: 49:30
Share your favourite Retro Nonsense music video: Cartridge Club United, Gimme My Retro or We Got Games
Topic: 53:47
How far in advance should a game be announced?
CCAnswers: 1:02:16
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros | Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/ | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #47 - June 4th 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
News: 02:12
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Development Shifts to 'Internal Setup' at Square Enix
- Hitman Franchise May Live on at Square Enix Without IO Interactive
- Monster Hunter XX for Switch Will Support 3DS Cross-Play
- Shenmue 3 Won't Be at E3
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Release Date Delayed
- Splatoon's Official Chat Headset Is Cool, Complicated
Club Update: 22:23
- CCPortable - Donkey Kong (Gameboy)
- CCPrime - Final Fantasy 4
- ATSG Winners: Myles, Hodge
- Download the app on iOS and Android
- Hype E3 coverage (Caleb added to the team)
- Bonus Barrel -
- STC -
- Polykill -
- Media Mavens -
- Flock Talk -
- Retro Pixel -
- QDawgs -
- Musty -
- Flock of Nerds -
CC Mission: 49:27
Go to iTunes, Stitcher or GooglePlay and leave a review for Flock Talk. Tweet us a screen capture of the review with the hashtag #FlockTalk
Topic: 52:30
Linear storytelling in games
CCAnswers 1:09:11

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Cartridge Club #45 - Perfect Dark
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
This month we played the Rare N64 FPS Perfect Dark.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BonusBarrel | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQnJN0t7-fIH1S2obV_fXIg | Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/bonus-barrel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MustyHobbit | YouTube: www.youtube.com/mustyhobbit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrailerJones | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/easyallies | Website: www.easyallies.com | Patreon: www.patreon.com/easyallies
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com
Level 1 00:05:46
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Perfect Dark and panel discusses their memories of the game and first impressions.
- Developer: Rare (Battletoads, DKC, GoldenEye, Banjo-Kazooie, Viva Pinata)
- Publisher: Rare
- Director: Martin Hollis (GoldenEye, left 14 months into Perfect Dark development to work as a consultant on GCN)
- Composer: Grant Kirkhope (GoldenEye, Banjo-Kazooie, Kingdoms of Amalur, Yooka-Laylee)
- Series: Perfect Dark
- Platform(s): N64, Xbox360 Live arcade
- Release Date: 22 May 2000, 17 March 2010
- Genre: First Person Shooter
Level 2 00:15:58
Discuss story of the game: 00:15:58
- Perfect Dark is set in 2023 against the backdrop of an interstellar war between two races: the Maians, who resemble the archetypal grey alien, and the Skedar, reptile-like extraterrestrials who use a holographic disguise to appear as Scandinavian humans. On Earth there is an ongoing rivalry between The Carrington Institute, a research and development center founded by Daniel Carrington that secretly operates an espionage group in league with the Maians; and dataDyne, a defence contractor corporation headed by Cassandra De Vries that secretly maintains a deal with the Skedar.
You play as Joanna Dark, a Carrington Institute agent who has earned the code name Perfect Dark by being the only agent to score perfect during the training. From here you follow a series of missions that include rescuing a floating laptop AI, a Maian alien named Elvis, rescuing your boss Daniel Carrington and being a bad enough dudette to save the President.
Carrington Institute
- Joanna Dark
- Jonathan Steinberg
- Daniel Carrington
- Cassandra De Vries
- Trent Easton
- Elvis
- Mr. Blonde
- Skedar King
- Dr. Caroll
- The U.S. President
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 00:39:02
- Auto Aim
- Favorite weapons
- Lack of waypoint markings on map
- Difficulty
- Co-operative Mode
- Counter-operative Mode
- Multiplayer
- HD Remake
- Better than GoldenEye?
Discuss sound: 01:26:25
- Favourite tracks
- Discuss sound effects
- Memorable or forgettable
Discuss graphics: 01:33:44
- Very bright and colorful
- Favorite stages
- Favourite enemy/boss design
Level 3 01:47:51
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4 01:52:35
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5
Outro (thank panel and plug)
Announce the game for next month (Final Fantasy 4)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BonusBarrel | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQnJN0t7-fIH1S2obV_fXIg | Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/bonus-barrel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MustyHobbit | YouTube: www.youtube.com/mustyhobbit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrailerJones | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/easyallies | Website: www.easyallies.com | Patreon: www.patreon.com/easyallies
Cartridge Club Intro/Outro Music
Ser Flash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serraxor | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/serraxor | Website: https://smpmusicproductions.bandcamp.com | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serraxor | vidme: https://vid.me/serraxor
Cartridge Club Logo
Will Pruitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willopruitt | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willopruitt/ | Website: http://willpruitt.com

Sunday May 28, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #46 - May 28th 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
News: 00:21
Red Dead Redemption 2 Delayed to Spring 2018 http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/05/22/red-dead-redemption-2-delayed-to-spring-2018
Xbox Game Pass Available Now for Gold Subscribers http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/05/24/xboxs-netflix-like-game-pass-launches-next-month
New Dragon Age Coming http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/05/22/dragon-age-bioware-writer-says-new-game-being-developed
Mario/Rabbids Crossover Art Leaks? http://ca.ign.com/articles/2017/05/24/mariorabbids-crossover-rpg-art-reportedly-leaks
Club Update: 08:21
Announcements 09:10
CCPortable - Donkey Kong (Gameboy) until the end of June
CCPrime - Perfect Dark show goes live on Wednesday. June game is Final Fantasy 4
Podcasts 12:45
Bonus Barrel - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/bonus-barrel/bonus-barrel-episode-128-swordquest-and-stuff
STC - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod/stcpod-134-i-didnt-recognise-you-with-your-clothes-on
Polykill - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/polykill-podcast/polykill-podcast-41-gettin-hype-for-e3-2017-vol-1
Videos 19:30
QDawgs - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mightyqdawg/in-the-qdawg-house-week-of-may-14-2017
Musty - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/mustyhobbit/second-breakfast-e3-predictions
STCPOD - http://www.cartridgeclub.org/stcpod1/pickups-stcstyle-largest-game-haul-yet-may-22-yard-sales-thrifts-2017
Flock of Nerds - https://youtu.be/9hsuzz0Pd1E
CC Mission: 25:10
Thank Dean Lasagna on Twitter with the hashtag #ThanksDean for everything he does for the Club.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Round_2_Gaming
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Round2GamingChannel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Round2Gaming/
Topic: 31:27
Favourite handheld games of all time.
CCAnswers 41:50
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub

Wednesday May 24, 2017
Cartridge Club Extra #4 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Wednesday May 24, 2017
This bonus show is going to be all about Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and will contain heavy spoilers. You have been warned.
Level 1: 6:41
P2(Mark) gives a quick overview of Breath of the Wild and panel discusses their first impressions.
- Developer: Nintendo EPD
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Director: Hidemaro Fujibayashi
- Producer: Eiji Aonuma
- Composer: Manaka Kataoka and Yasuaki Iwata
- Artist: Satoru Takizawa
- Series: The Legend of Zelda
- Platform(s): Wii U, Nintendo Switch
- Release Date: March 3 2017
- Genre: Action Adventure
Level 2: 24:26
Discuss story of the game:
- Link wakes up in a restoration chamber to find that the Hyrule he was sworn to protect has fallen to Calamity Ganon and 100 years have passed since his failure to save Zelda and all of Hyrule.
- Link
- Zelda (Link’s Number One Ho)
- Impa
- Rhoam (King)
- Urbosa (Gerudo Chick)
- Daruk (Goron Guy)
- Revali (Bird Guy)
- Mipha (Zora Spirit Princess)
- Sidon (Zora Prince)
- Kass (Music Bird)
- Pikango (Artist Memories Guy)
Discuss gameplay mechanics: 56:02
- Open Air
- Weapon Durability
- Sheikah Slate Abilities
- Gliding
- Climbing
- Shrines
- Hearts or Stamina?
- Difficulty
- Korok Seeds
Discuss sound: 1:59:16
- Favourite background music
- Decision to have overworld be minimalistic
- Discuss sound effects
- Memorable or forgettable
Discuss graphics: 2:12:24
- Very bright and colorful
- Stylish versus realistic
- Favorite settings
- Favourite enemy/boss design
- Armor
Level 3: 2:23:30
Lasting Impressions, overall rating and final thoughts. Did this make you want to play it again and if not, what would need to be changed? Would you suggest it to friends?
Level 4: 2:32:23
3 Word Review #CC3WR from Twitter first followed by panel
Level 5: 2:33:51
Outro (thank panel and audience)
Scott on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottielindsay
Steven on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StevenEidher
Ryan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsRocketSauce

Sunday May 21, 2017
Cartridge Club Weekly #45 - May 21st 2017
Sunday May 21, 2017
Sunday May 21, 2017
Overwatch celebrates a year of fun, the bros share some injury stories after being inspired by Polykill and we talk about our favourite blogger. The topic sees us diving into buying habits and discussing when we pick up games and consoles.
News: 20:00
Community Update: 13:22
Spotlight: 50:40
Topic: 55:25
CCAnswers: 1:11:48
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CartridgeBrosP2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CartridgeBros/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cartridgebros/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cartridgeclub